Freely Tradable


of rated realty projects of reputed Developers

Realty Retail Hedge Opportunities for household investors globally

Freely tradable – Anytime sale or swap for any project
Fixed rate to buy flat in a project any time in the future
Non-delivery compensation at the then market rate
Many safety measures; selective insurance cover
No obligation to buy flat
Build your stocks over a period

* 1 TROT product unit for 1 sq. ft. built-up area
P r e s e n t a t i o n s   
        is a global e-trade platform for trading in the various TROT products of rated projects. It
does not sale its own TROT products or collect any deposits
  Copyrights @2013 TROT Realty holds under licence rights, title and interest “IPRs” including its background IP, copyrights, patents,   registered designs, trademarks together with any right or form of protection of a similar nature and having equivalent or similar effect to   any of them anywhere in the world. Terms of Service