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Healthcare Costs
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Product v/s Sponsorship

TROT Medi-Care Products
TROT Healthcare Sponsorship Units
 Hospital owned and managed by a company or a  Charitable Trust  Owned and managed by Charitable Trust or a  Public Hospital
 Need to be ranked by any of the specified accredited  agencies  Need to be approved and facilities and skill level  certified by TROT professionals
 High future costs to force buy-back of the products  Back or market mopping possibilities negligible
 A healthcare cost hedge-cum-Investment product  Not an ideal choice for an investor
 Mainly for households  Mainly for philanthropists
 Philanthropy by sponsoring a needy  Self or family members or friends can be  sponsored – no restrictions

 No tax benefits on purchase of the products

 Tax relief for the donation to the trusts
 Market valued as an investment – freely tradable on  TROT e-Trade Platform  No market value May be ‘sold’ as a private  transaction

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